Ezzy Healthcare Training College is an allied health care & practice school in Enugu, Nigeria. It is affiliated with our parent college in California, USA.
Our training College is a post-secondary Secondary School Education College with a Certificate of operation from the Enugu State Ministry of Education
The school’s central mantra is training committed individuals with a passion for caring for people in the areas of patient care.
Ezzy Healthcare Training College recognizes the importance of instilling strong values and ethical principles in its students.
Training occurs at our training center, which is located inside the Ezzy Cares Multi-Specialist Hospital
Located at 1 Umunze Crescent, opposite EEDC Office Phase-Six, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu State.
It is a non-profit organization with the mission to lend a helping hand to the underprivileged in our society, such as men, women, children, the disabled, widows, the homeless, and many more, in any way we can. To push in the right direction regardless of political views, ethnic background, gender, race, and religious beliefs.
To cut across and beyond the boundaries of race, political views, ethnic background, gender, and religious beliefs to reach underprivileged and helpless men, women, children, disabled, widowed, homeless, and many more in our society and across the world, especially the third-world countries mostly impacted by hunger, diseases, homelessness, and many more.
The Ezzy cares Foundation was created and founded to make the world a safer and better place for the next generation by changing lives and reducing poverty and starvation rates, one person at a time. Ezzy Cares Foundation aims at touch lives and families by providing jobs for people irrespective of their background, race, political views, gender, ethnic background, and religious beliefs to help reduce unemployment rates and indirectly support families in our community and across the world.
The objectives behind the creation of the Ezzy Cares Foundation are to lend a helping hand to those in dire need, provide jobs and other employment opportunities for those without jobs or living on unsustainable job incomes, and offer training opportunities and classes for those who require training of different kinds to be able to get employment stability. Ezzy cares Foundation has partnered with its sister company Ezzy Homecare and Staffing Agency. Ezzy Homecare and Staffing Agency focuses on reducing unemployment rates by creating jobs and other job opportunities for thousands of people. Since its creation, Ezzy Homecare and Staffing Agency and the Ezzy Cares Foundation have provided over 2,000 jobs for people in America and across the world. One of the major goals of the Ezzy Cares Foundation is to provide over 1,000,000 (a million) jobs and employment opportunities for people in different areas and sectors of society.
Ezzy Cares Foundation has also partnered with Ezzy Training College, California, USA, and Ezzy Health Care Training College, Enugu, Nigeria, to offer professional and comprehensive nursing and allied health programs that prepare students with the skills necessary to qualify for entry-level positions in the medical field. It is the goal of Ezzy Health Care Training College to provide effective and affordable training that is educational, practical, and convenient.
Email address: ezzycaresfoundation@gmail.om
Instagram handle: Ezzy cares foundation
Ezzy cares Multi-Specialist Hospital was founded on the principles of rising by lifting others and giving back to society
To build a world-class medical practice that would touch the lives of both the poor and rich
To recognize the essence of human living and restore the patient’s confidence on the purpose of God’s creation by giving the best within our reach
Email: ezzycareshospital@gmail.com
IG Handle: ezzycareshospital
Contact: 08101881399
Address: 1 Umunze Crescent, opposite EEDC Office Phase-Six, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu State.